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Zoom Season Three Episode Sixteen
Season 3, Episode 16
ZOOM Season 3 Cast
Air date January 20, 1974
Written by TBA
Directed by TBA
Episode guide
ZOOM 1970s Episode 0054
ZOOM 1970s Episode 0056


  • ZOOMBarrel - Hat Balancing
  • ZOOMGuest - Sarah Bauhan
  • ZOOMGame - Hink Pink
  • ZOOMDo - Piñata
  • ZOOMGoody - Ice Cream Float
  • Try It At Home - Food Color Art
  • ZOOMGuest - Mike Gets His Tonsils Removed
  • Song - "Stay All Night"


  • Danny McGrath
  • Lori Boskin
  • Neal Johnson
  • Timmy Prunce
  • Mike Dean
  • Edith Mooers
  • Donna Moore


  • Lori: Remember if all things were one thing? Well, here’s another one. If all lobsters and leopards were one thing, what a lovely Leobster that would be.

  • Danny: If all the elephants and birds were one thing, what a lovely Elebird that would be.

  • Donna: Here’s one I made up. If all snakes, tigers, and crocodiles were one thing, what a lovely Snakidile that would be.

  • Timmy: If kangaroos and elephants were one thing, what a lovely Kangaphant that would be.

  • Danny: We have a special Zoom Guest this week who may look very familiar, but his voice sounds a little funny. A few weeks ago, Mike went to the hospital to have his tonsils out. And he said it would be all right if our film crew came to visit him.

  • Dr. Jaffe: You know, your voice sounds a little funny to me. Is it always that way?
    • Mike: (nasally) Yeah. I think it’s probably because my nose is stuffed up. I have something lodged on my tonsils.
    • Dr. Jaffe : I’ll bet. Your tonsils are large now. They’re what we call kissing tonsils. They’re so big that they’re touching each other and kissing each other. And your adenoids are probably very large too and they’re behind your nose. And that’s what’s blocking your nose.
    • Mike: Are they gonna take out the adenoids?
    • Dr. Jaffe: Yes, indeed.
    • Mike: (indistinct)

  • Mike: A few weeks ago, I learned that I had tonsillitis with Dr. Levine. I came in this morning and I asked him, “When am I gonna have my tonsils out?“ Because I was nervous about it. And he said that I was thinking about today. That really shook me up.

  • Dr. Jaffe: Michael, do you have any questions for me?
    • Mike: Well, am I gonna have shots? Because someone told me that there weren’t gonna be any shots. He’s the anesthetic expert.
    • Dr. Jaffe: Oh no. You have to have two injections. You have to have two medicines that’ll make you sleepy so that when the operation comes, it won’t hurt you at all.
    • Mike: Do you know what size the meds are going to be?
    • Dr. Jaffe: A little bit shorter than that. It’s about an inch long. They are very small but they are very tiny at the end.

  • Mike: When Dr. Jaffe told me that I have to have my tonsils out, well, I started crying. Believe it or not, because big kids aren’t supposed to be crying as everyone says. But I just started crying because I never had this kind of thing before. I’m scared of all those doctors and have those things that lights staring down at me with my big clamps, and the spotlights, and the dresses, and the machines all over the place.

  • Dr. Jaffe: Yes. And then you’re going to have gas over your mouth. You’ll have a mask like a spaceship. Like a spaceman would have.
    • Mike: But if I have a mask in my mouth, how will I get it off?
    • Dr. Jaffe: Because after a while, you’ll be fully asleep. Then the mask will come off and your use another tube to keep you asleep.
    • Mike: Will the thing get in the way?
    • Dr. Jaffe: No. It won’t get in the way at all.

  • Mike: The doctors and nurses have been very nice to me. I guess because I just had a lot of luck with nurses and people. They told me not to be afraid of them. I know because I’d be asleep and I wouldn’t feel anything. I’m still kind of scared.

  • Dr. Jaffe: You’ll be waking up about an hour after the operation. And then, you’ll be drowsy most of the night. You’ll be pretty sleepy most of the night. And tomorrow, when you’re fully awake, then you’ll want to walk around and start eating again.

  • Mike: I haven’t eaten very much and so I’m really hungry. There’s a sign outside the door of the stairs I’m not supposed to have any food or liquids before the operation so I’m very happy. After the operation, I’ll probably have ice cream and milkshakes and all the good stuff again afterwards.

  • Dr. Jaffe: See you later in the operating room.
    • Mike: OK. Bye.

  • Mike: (normal voice) After they took me down the corridor of the operating room, and then they gave me the gas, and they said it was oxygen. I don’t know why they say it was oxygen because I don’t care if it’s gas or not. Well, they gave me the oxygen and pretty soon I was hearing echoes and things. When someone would talk, I would hear an echo of it. And then, for some reason, I started laughing. And I stopped laughing then I went under and I don’t remember what happened from there. Thursday night, of course, I wasn’t feeling too well because I just got home. But these past few days, I’ve been getting better although my throat still hurts and I have ear pains. If a friend came to me and asked me how are you got your tonsils out, I probably tell them The good things and also some of the bad things. But the best part of having your tonsils out is having the nurses all over the place because if you have a problem, the nurses come in and they say, “Oh, what’s the matter? Gotta have all this. Gotta have all that.“ I was surprised by all the stuff they gave you just for a tonsillectomy because they give you two nurses, they give you tissues, they give you intravenous, say give you all kinds of things. I didn’t think of you. I thought you just took out your tonsils. You were in bed for a little while and then you went home. I didn’t think they gave you all of this stuff.


  • When Mike was in the hospital to have his tonsils out, his voice sounded a little funny.

